Are Huskies Smart

How smart are Huskies?

Siberian Huskies hail from the region in Russia known as Siberia known for its frigid cold winter temperatures that can reach -90 degrees Fahrenheit and soaring temperatures in the summer. Due to the extreme seasonal temperature swings Siberian huskies have developed unique adaptations to thrive in these harsh environments. One of those unique adaptations is the Siberian Huskies intellect.

Are Siberians Huskies Smart?

Many dog species excel in certain areas of intelligence over other dog breeds. But what about Siberian Huskies? According to Stanley Coren, a leading canine psychologist, huskies ranked 74th out of 138 dog breeds making them, according to Dr. Coren of average intelligence. This is not to say Siberian Huskies are not smart, on the contrary Siberian Huskies rank as one of the most intelligent dogs when its comes to effectively communicating with humans. During Dr Coren’s tests it was examined that Siberian Huskies on average need 25-40 repetitions to learn a new, unknown command depending on the complexity.

How does Siberian Husky intelligence transfer to training?

Now that we know Siberian huskies possess an average intellect level and an above average communication level when working with humans this information is very transferable to training. Ensure you take your time and provide positive reinforcement, consistency and repetitions for your Siberian Husky.

How to identify intelligence in your Siberian Husky?

It is important to remember that no two Siberian Huskies are alike, but one common trait they do share is their stubbornness and willingness to challenge the pack, in this case your family. This disposition, at times can come off as lazy and not wanting to engage in training practices. When these situations arise, and they will, think back to the commands/actions your Siberian Husky responded to. Identify how your Siberian husky responds to these commands.

Give your Siberian Husky Mental Stimulation

Siberian huskies are intelligent dogs that require regular mental stimulation to stay happy and healthy. There are several ways to give your Siberian husky the mental stimulation they need, including nose work games, hide and seek, teaching them new tricks, and interactive puzzles. The benefits of mental stimulation for Siberian huskies are numerous and include reducing hyperactivity, alleviating boredom, preventing bad behavior, lowering stress, increasing happiness, and increasing intelligence. By giving your Siberian husky regular mental stimulation, you will be doing them a favor and ensuring that they live a long and happy life.

Siberian Huskies are a special breed of dog that require a lot of care and attention. If you are passionate about Siberian Huskies and want to learn more about how you can help animals in need, please contact us today. You can help by shopping with our partners, making a donation or volunteering to help our 4-legged friends. Siberian Husky foster homes are always in need of volunteers to help take care of the huskies while they wait to be adopted. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact us today. Siberian Huskies are a special breed of dog that require a lot of care and attention. If you are passionate about Siberian Huskies and want to learn more about how you can help animals in need, please contact us today.